Regular Expressions
   2 min read

Regular Expressions
Resources: See W3 Schools Tutorials for further information.

Common RegEx Characters

?0 or 1 occurence of the preceding character
+1 or more occurences of the preceding character
*0 or more occurences of the preceding character
\Escape character
.Any character except newline
\dSingle numeral
\wSingle character from a to Z, 0-9, or underscore
\sWhite space character
|Either or
()within a group
Example 1: Find all instances of a lowercase word that may be in the singular or plural e.g. garden or gardens


Example 2: Find all instances of words that differ by a specified character e.g. shot or shoot


Example 3: Find all instances of a phrase with noun variations e.g. I like …

I like (dogs|cats|rabbits)

Example 4: Find all instances of a positive integer of one or more of a digit e.g. 9, 99, or 999


Example 5: Find all “double 0” agent codes e.g. 007, 008, 009


Example 6: Recognize standard format dates e.g. 03/22/1990


Example 7: Find all instances of positive integers of different lengths that begin with the same known digits followed by unknown digits e.g. 007 or 0014


Example 8: Find all instances of positive integers of different lengths that begin with the same known digits followed by zero or more unknown digits e.g. 00, 007 or 0014


Example 9: Find all instances of a decimal number e.g. 22.17


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