Basic Python Files
   2 min read

Common functions for files…

Open file

open('file name', 'mode')
Specify the file name as an input parameter.
Specify the mode as a second parameter.

Write'w'Creates a new file if the file does not exist
Append'a'Creates a new file if the file does not exist
Read'r'Returns an error if the file does not exist
Create'x'Returns an error if the file does not exist

The default mode is 'r' for read and does not need to be specified.

Optionally specify a second mode:

Text mode't'
Binary mode'b'

The default value is 't' and does not need to be specified. Use 'b' for images.


myFile = open('sample.txt')        # open text file.
data =               # return file data as a string.
myFile.close()                     # close file.

Read file

Use r to read file.


myFile = open('sample.txt', 'r')   # open file.
print(               # read file and display content.

Write file

Use w to write to a file. Overwrites existing file content.


myFile = open('sample.txt', 'w')           # open file
myFile.write('My file content.')           # specify string to write.
myFile.close()                             # close file.

myFile = open('sample.txt')

My file content.


with open('sample.txt', 'w') as myFile:    # open file.
    myFile.write('My file content.')       # specify string to write.

myFile = open('sample.txt')

My file content.

Append content

Use a to append content to the end of a file.


with open('sample.txt', 'a') as myFile:            # open file to append.
    myFile.write('\nMy file additional content.')  # specify string.

myFile = open('sample.txt')

My file content.
My file additional content.