Create an Apache Jena triplestore
   2 min read


  • Install Java SE from Oracle. See Apache Jena documentation for minimum version requirements.

Install the Apache Jena Fuseki web application

Apache Jena Fuseki is an open source SPARQL server that runs as a Java web application to support linked data, RDF/XML, and Web Ontology Language (OWL). You can use the Apache Jena Fuseki web application to upload RDF/XML files, view N-Triples, and run SPARQL queries.

Windows installation steps:
  1. Download the apache-jena-fuseki zip file (e.g.

  2. Extract the zip file contents to a folder on your hard drive.

  3. In that folder, run fuseki-server.bat to start the Apache Jena Fuseki web application.

  4. Open a browser, and go to the URLlocalhost:3030to launch the web application:

    Screenshot of web app home page.

Run a SPARQL query in Apache Jena Fuseki

The following steps describe how to upload triples and run queries in the web application:

  1. Select Add one on the web page to create a new dataset:

    Screenshot of Datasets page.

  2. Enter a dataset name and select create dataset:

    Screenshot of Add new dataset page.

  3. Prepare a sample RDF format file, such as the following RDF/XML file (sample_author.xml):

    Screenshot of sample file.

  4. Select upload data:

    Screenshot of Add new dataset page.

  5. Click select files to upload an RDF format file (e.g. RDF/XML or Turtle):

    Screenshot of upload files page.

  6. Click the empty SPARQL query box to auto-generate a default query to view all triples, then click the run arrow:

    Screenshot of SPARQL query page.

  7. Scroll down to Query results to view the triples:

    Screenshot of query results page.

Run your own SPARQL query

For example, to get the name of the author, run the query:

PREFIX author: <>
PREFIX viaf: <>

SELECT ?name
  <> author:fullname ?name .

This returns Rudyard Kipling

Next steps